May 1990
RECENT FIRST TEAM FORM. "Hello and welcome to alas the final column of the official football season. By the time you get to read this,...

April 1990
RECENT FIRST TEAM FORM. "We are rapidly approaching the close of yet another season yet predictions of the three 'senior' sides remain...

March 1990
RECENT FIRST TEAM FORM. "Once again not much action since the last issue thanks to the prolonged bad weather. The First eleven only...

February 1990
RECENT FIRST TEAM FORM. "It is with mixed feelings that I write this month's column as the Fist eleven are slipping back into their...

January 1990
RECENT FIRST TEAM FORM. "December was a bit of a washout as far as the First eleven was concerned. Three games were eventually played -...

December 1989
THE FIRST TEAM. "The Seniors, as a whole, have some very good players on the books this season - with a good blend of youth and...